About Me
Hello! My name is Michael Lancia and I am from San Diego, CA. I am currently a senior at Arizona State University’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication, where I am studying sports journalism and mass communication with a focus in public relations, a minor in digital audiences and a certificate in sales and marketing.
I am a performance-driven, detail-oriented individual that is always eager to learn. I currently intern at MMPR, where I help with marketing and public relations. In addition to my internship, I also serve as president of PRSSA (Public Relations Student Society of America) at Arizona State University. As president of this club, I am in charge of leading all of our chapter meetings, connecting our members with career opportunities, increasing chapter membership, better educating our members on the best PR practices and giving our members hands-on experience with public relations.
As someone who has been in love with sports since six-years-old, I want my work to be able to evoke that same kind of emotion out of other fans. While pursuing a career working in the sports industry, I want to utilize my platform to positively impact the community as much as possible, as I know the power that sports can have.
In my spare time, I like to golf, watch baseball with friends and hit moon shots for my fraternity softball team.